Custom Domains URL Shortener

Elevate Your Brand with Our Custom Domain URL Shortener

Make your custom domain short links truly your own with ShortifyMe’s custom domain URL shortener. Instead of using our default domain name, you can now use your own branded domain name to create short links. This is a great way to increase brand recognition and credibility, and make your links look more professional. Ready to take your short links to the next level? Sign up for ShortifyMe’s Premium plan today and start using custom domains for your links.

How Custom Domain URL Shortener Works?

Simple Setup, Powerful Results! A custom domain URL shortener works by allowing users to create shortened links using their custom domain rather than a generic domain provided by the URL shortening service.  


Create your account on Shortifyme

Domain Setup

Set up a domain name of your choice


Choose your custom domain name


Easily create branded short links


Boost brand recognition with every link shared


Track your shared link performance

ShortifyMe - The Premier Choice for URL Shortener Custom Domain Services

Unlock Your Links’ Potential with ShortifyMe – Your Ultimate Destination for Custom Domain URL Shortening! Elevate your brand, enhance click-through rates, and boost conversions effortlessly. Trust ShortifyMe – where innovation meets optimization for a powerful URL shortening experience. Elevate, Engage, Convert!“
Are you ready to elevate your brand to new heights? Look no further! ShortifyMe stands as the unparalleled choice for cutting-edge URL Shortener Custom Domain Services.

Tailored Solutions: ShortifyMe understands that one size doesn’t fit all. Our solutions are designed to
meet the unique needs of your brand.
Conversion-Driven: Experience a boost in conversions as your audience engages with links that are not
only shorter but also resonate with your brand identity.
Seamless Integration: Enjoy a hassle-free integration process, allowing you to unleash the power of
custom domains without any technical complexities.

Why choose ShortifyMe's custom domains URL shortener?

Reinforce Your Brand: By utilizing your own custom domains, you can maintain a consistent and recognizable brand identity across all your short links. Every time someone clicks on your shortened URL, they will see your brand name prominently displayed, reinforcing brand awareness and trust.

Boost Credibility and Trust: Long, unfamiliar URLs can be off-putting to users and may raise suspicions of potential spam or malicious content. By incorporating custom domains into your short links, you provide a professional and trustworthy appearance, which encourages users to click and engage with your content.

Increase Click-Through Rates: Research has shown that branded links have higher click-through rates compared to generic or anonymous links. With ShortifyMe’s custom domains, your short links become more visually appealing, memorable, and enticing to users, leading to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

Easy Setup and Management: ShortifyMe makes it simple to set up and manage your custom domains. Whether you already have a registered domain or need assistance acquiring one, our user-friendly interface guides you through the process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish.

Comprehensive Analytics: ShortifyMe provides detailed analytics and insights for your custom domain short links. Monitor click-through rates, geographic data, referral sources, and more, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategies.

Our Happy Customers


A custom domain URL shortener allows you to use your own domain to create branded, shortened links. Instead of our generic domain, your links will appear as part of your brand.
After signing up for an account with ShortifyMe, you can access detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use your own custom domain for creating shorter links.
Using a custom domain for shortening links is not necessary with ShortifyMe. All short links can be created using the default link shortener,
Your custom domain must be a valid, active domain with proper DNS configuration. Ensure that you have the ability to add DNS records to the domain.
Yes, it is possible to change your custom domain even after the initial setup with ShortifyMe. This allows you to update and customize your short links as needed.
DNS propagation times vary, but in most cases, your custom domain should be active within a few hours. However, it may take up to 48 hours in some cases.

Ready to Elevate Your Brand?

Get Started Today: Take the first step towards URL shortening excellence with ShortifyMe. Your brand deserves the best, and we deliver nothing less.